In a complete reversal from the norm, the Suffern Central School District Board has released the minutes from the Executive Session held on March 7th.  The minutes cover the vote to bring unspecified charges against suspended Superintendent and show who voted yay and who voted nay.


SUFFERN CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Minutes of the Executive Session at the Special Meeting of March 7, 2019 Members present Donald Cairns, Amany Messieha Dgheim, Tom Donnelly, Matthew Kern, Angus MacKenzie, Melissa Reimer, Paul Shapiro The Board entered into Executive Session at 5:00 PM

1. Motion to Approve Charges as presented to the Board in Executive Session:

Charge 1: Motion by Melissa Reimer, second by Donald Cairns.

Yea: Donald Cairns, Amany Messieha Dgheim, Angus MacKenzie, Melissa Reimer, Paul Shapiro

Nay: Tom Donnelly, Matthew Kern

Motion Passed: Yea 5, Nay 2

Charge 2: Motion by Donald Cairns, second by Amany Messieha Dgheim.

Yea: Donald Cairns, Amany Messieha Dgheim, Angus MacKenzie, Melissa Reimer, Paul Shapiro

Nay: Tom Donnelly, Matthew Kern

Motion Passed: Yea 5, Nay 2

Charge 3: Motion by Donald Cairns, second by Paul Shapiro.

Yea: Donald Cairns, Amany Messieha Dgheim, Angus MacKenzie, Melissa Reimer

Nay: Tom Donnelly, Matthew Kern, Paul Shapiro

Motion Passed: Yea 4, Nay 3

Charge 4: Motion by Paul Shapiro, second by Donald Cairns.

Yea: Donald Cairns, Amany Messieha Dgheim, Angus MacKenzie, Melissa Reimer

Nay: Tom Donnelly, Matthew Kern, Paul Shapiro

Motion Passed: Yea 4, Nay 3

Charge 5: Motion by Paul Shapiro, second by Melissa Reimer.

Roll Call Vote: Yea: Donald Cairns, Amany Messieha Dgheim, Angus MacKenzie, Melissa Reimer

Nay: Tom Donnelly, Matthew Kern

Abstain: Paul Shapiro

Motion Passed: Yea 4, Nay 2, Abstain 1

Motion to Revote Charge 1: Motion by Paul Shapiro, second by Melissa Reimer

Yea: Donald Cairns, Amany Messieha Dgheim, Tom Donnelly, Matthew Kern, Angus MacKenzie, Melissa Reimer, Paul Shapiro Motion Passed: Yea 7

Revote Charge 1: Motion by Paul Shapiro, second by Melissa Reimer

Yea: Donald Cairns, Amany Messieha Dgheim, Matthew Kern, Angus MacKenzie, Melissa Reimer, Paul Shapiro

Nay: Tom Donnelly

Motion Passed: Yea 6, Nay 1

2. Adjourn Executive Session

Motion to adjourn Executive Session

Motion by: Angus MacKenzie, second by Donald Cairns


Nay: Donald Cairns, Tom Donnelly, Amany Messieha Dgheim, Matthew Kern, Angus MacKenzie, Matthew Kern, Paul Shapiro

Motion Passed: Yea 7

The Board adjourned Executive Session at 6:43 PM.

Heather Campbell District Clerk


Link to the Minutes